Unibloom Secures £650,000 to Accelerate Climate Action for Corporates

1. anna vineet

We are delighted to announce Zinc’s latest investment in Unibloom, a fast growing startup on a mission to empower large and mid sized organisations to meet their ambitious sustainability targets. 

Unibloom’s founders Anna Sandgren and Vineet Ahuja met as part of Zinc’s fifth venture building cohort, united by a drive to transform the industries that have the most damaging impact on the environment. With Anna’s 25 years experience leading business expansion and operations at Unilever, and Vineet’s decade of software engineering experience at Bloomberg, as a co-founding team they are incredibly well placed to build the team and technology to tackle this huge challenge. 

Zinc is co-investing alongside Regenerate Ventures, Alma Angels, Regent Capital Ventures and others. This pre-seed funding will enable the team to enhance their data and engineering operations, accelerate development of Unibloom’s innovative climate and financial scenario modelling platform, and allow them to be a catalyst for real climate impact in many more organisations by the end of 2025.

Tackling an existential business risk

According to climate not-for-profit CDP, only four percent of companies currently have transparent and accurately financed climate action plans in place. This is creating significant business risk, with some consumer goods companies reporting that they face losing up to 50 percent of operating income by 2030 if they don’t take action. At the same time, Deloitte reports 69 percent of workers want their employers to invest in sustainability efforts, and over 30 percent would consider leaving if they don’t see credible climate commitments and action.

This is an incredibly difficult problem to solve within large organisations, for which effective climate action means having to navigate a complex and evolving landscape of targets and regulations, complicated supply chains, siloed organisational structures, manual and disjoined reporting processes, and challenges balancing often conflicting short term and long term priorities. 

Equipping organisations for meaningful climate action

Almost universally, organisations are relying on outdated tools such as spreadsheets and PowerPoint slides for data capture and reporting, which simply isn’t effective in supporting timely, financially viable intelligent decision-making. Unibloom’s platform integrates climate and financial data in a predictive scenario and simulation tool, enabling faster data-driven decisions and breaking down silos to open up for seamless collaboration between sustainability and operational teams.

The team has secured Design Partners including one of the world’s largest FMCG brands and European chocolate brand Cloetta, and has contracts with enterprise customers, including, Nasdaq-listed poultry industry leader Scandi Standard, high-growth UK based Redgate, a large meat company, and US ice cream and beverage company GoodPop, the Watch & Jewellery Initiative – with an impressive list of high-profile consumer goods customers in the sales pipeline.  

Bridging the growing gap between climate targets and business impact

We see a huge opportunity for Unibloom to transform how large consumer goods companies can identify, scenario plan and optimise their climate projects, investments, and cost savings towards both business growth and climate impact.

We are proud to back this resilient and high-energy team, whose groundbreaking platform addresses this urgent need for effective climate action in the corporate world. Anna and Vineet have built a truly impressive line-up of paying enterprise customers and are well-positioned to transform corporate climate action, bridging the gap between ambitious targets and tangible impact.

Unibloom sits at the heart of Zinc’s approach to tackling our biggest societal issues by partnering with ambitious founders, helping them build world-class teams to develop new, innovative ventures from scratch. We are looking forward to seeing what the team achieves over the coming months and years, and are excited to be partnering with them through this next phase of their journey. 


Zinc invests in the inception of new ventures that are tackling some of the most pressing problems facing the health of people and the health of the planet. We back exceptional talent (pre-team, pre-idea) and IP-led ventures (including spinouts) with venture-building support, investment, personal founder support and a thriving network of experts, mentors and investors. Head on over to the Zinc website to learn more about how you can get involved.

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Zinc’s mission is to make the UK the best place to successfully start a venture which can have a massive impact on the health of people and the planet. 

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We started Zinc with the hypothesis that missions are an effective way to attract highly ambitious, talented and experienced groups of innovators, who might not recognise themselves as “classic entrepreneurs” but are ready and able to start a new commercial and successful venture to tackle some of our most pressing societal issues.

The world has overcome the sorts of challenges we face today when it has adopted a mission-based approach to the biggest problems and brought together world-class talent to invent and innovate, e.g: NASA and landing a man on the moon, the LSE blueprinting the British welfare state, or the Gates Foundation aiming to eradicate diseases.

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