Introducing Cellestial Health: Pioneering novel therapeutics for brain disorders

Nat Hastings Cellestial

We are thrilled to share Zinc’s pre-seed investment in Cellestial Health, a Cambridge University spin-out working on novel therapeutics for Parkinson’s Disease and other disorders of the brain. Cellestial Health is an emerging pharmaceutical startup approaching brain function from a novel angle by protecting previously overlooked networks of astrocytes – star-shaped brain cells. This funding round will enable founder Dr. Nataly Hastings and her team to expedite their drug development process by advancing from target pathway validation and studies in various models as well as human tissue, towards a full drug discovery pipeline for best-in-class astrocyte-modulating small molecules.

A complex and growing brain health challenge

There have been no significant breakthroughs in the standard of care treatment of Parkinson’s Disease for over 50 years, despite it being the most common neurodegenerative disorder. With the world’s population ageing, the prevalence of Parkinson’s is increasing faster than any other neurodegenerative movement disorder. It now affects up to 10 million people globally. Patients experience a wide range of life-altering symptoms, including muscle rigidity, tremors, depression, sleep disturbances, cognitive decline, and gastrointestinal issues. Despite the widespread and debilitating nature of the condition, current treatments can only offer symptomatic relief, without addressing the underlying disease pathway.

Traditional treatments for Parkinson’s Disease primarily focus on the function of the neuronal networks responsible for motor symptoms, such as the loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. While existing medications can alleviate symptoms temporarily, they do not alter the progression of the disease. Instead, patients often end up on a combination of several medications, each designed to manage specific symptoms, without offering long-term solutions or disease-modifying effects. This symptomatic approach fails to address the root causes of neurodegeneration, and as a result, the disease continues to advance, leading to worsening symptoms and reduced quality of life over time.

There is a significant opportunity for innovation in this space, redefining the treatment landscape for Parkinson’s Disease to offer patients a path to improved outcomes and the potential to slow or even halt disease progression. In addition to patient outcomes, the economic benefit of reducing Parkinson’s-related dysfunction and loss of income is large.

Cellestial Health’s novel approach

Cellestial is pioneering innovative treatments for Parkinson’s Disease by focusing on astrocytes, a partner network of more well-researched neurons that make up about half of the brain’s cellular makeup. Traditionally overlooked in clinical settings, astrocytes play a crucial role in controlling multiple brain functions, and also suffer in conditions such as Parkinson’s.

Dr Hastings’ research has identified that in human Parkinson’s Disease and disease models astrocytic networks become dysregulated, which can lead to impaired calcium signalling in cells and contribute to neuroinflammation. By protecting and stabilising these astrocytic networks, Cellestial Health aims to restore their normal function, thereby reducing toxic inflammation and preventing the accumulation of harmful proteins associated with Parkinson’s such as alpha-synuclein. Cellestial Health has built a platform that has identified and validated a strong target, which led to a pipeline of assets in development to take through preclinical work and towards clinical trials. 

The platform offers a significant opportunity to transform the understanding and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, leading to reduced symptoms, slower disease progression and ultimately vastly improved patient quality of life. Moreover, since many brain conditions share common causes, such as inflammation and cell stress, there is a scope for expansion to help even more people living with multiple sclerosis, stroke, depression, and even ageing.

A world-class team

Dr Hastings founded Cellestial following her postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge. She is collaborative, resourceful, and determined in translating her decade of clinical research experience in this field into a commercial venture with impact on a global scale. Nataly has the attention to detail of a scientist combined with a big picture vision of an entrepreneur. She has also built a formidable network in this space, and brought together a world-class team of experts and advisors to join her on this mission. Steve Grant has been appointed as Cellestial’s new Chairperson, alongside Professor Malu Tansey, Professor Maria Spillantini, and Professor Jon Brotchie as Parkinson’s advisors. Martyn Postle, and Geoff Race bring decades of commercial experience as business advisors.

The team have already made impressive strides in turning their ambitious vision into reality, supported by academic partnerships and significant grants from the Cambridge Enterprise and Parkinson’s UK. This pre-seed investment will now enable Cellestial to take their development to the next level, pursuing identification and progression of a suite of new therapeutic compounds for Parkinson’s Disease and beyond.

Partnering for impact at scale 

Cellestial Health’s approach to advancing the understanding and treatment of brain disorders that affect millions of patients worldwide is at the core of Zinc’s investment thesis around tackling the most complex problems facing the health of people. We are delighted to be partnering with Dr Hastings and the team on their journey to impact at scale with a truly novel innovation that has the potential to improve the lives of millions. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Cellestial Health or co-investing in this opportunity, please reach out to: info@cellestialhealth.com



Building and commercialising science-for-impact: If you would like to follow in Nataly’s footsteps to build the next world-changing innovation in health or the environment, apply for pre-seed investment and venture building support from Zinc today: https://www.zinc.vc/

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